Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Stranded: Netflix Edition

Today I am linking up and loving the topic! 

I am so glad this island has Netflix!  I am all for watching a show while stringing beads together to make necklaces or mashing berries for some homemade clothing dye :) 

In no particular order

Grey's Anatomy

This show came out my senior year of high school.  Being someone who didn't have TV, I had no idea what it was about, besides that it took place in Seattle, which is about an hour from where I grew up.  But then I MOVED to Seattle, and nothing brings together a girls dorm floor than watching your current city be shown in a real TV show.  

My floor watched this show EVERY week.  It was pretty much our mandatory floor meeting.  There were snacks and gasps, tears and giggles.  I watched religiously for many seasons, and then life got busy and I missed a few... and then in the last few have picked it back up.
I could watch reruns forever.  This seems like the perfect show to have with me on the island!

The Chew

Now, my Mom thinks I'm weird for watching this show, but if you check my DVR, I am pretty sure I have about 12 episodes saved since I am behind right now.  I just love it!
It combines cooking, celebrities, corny jokes and games, and delicious food!  Although, not sure I would want to see all those desserts being baked while on the island.... do we have an oven?!?

Blue Bloods

My parents recommended this show to my husband and I... and approximately 3478293743 hours later, we were caught up to the current season, which is FIVE if you are wondering:)  There is such a good m,ix of family, cops, morals, intensity, laughter, suspense, and good old police business.  While I was pregnant and on modified bed rest those last few months, we enjoyed our Saturday routine of doing nothing but eating and watching Blue Bloods.  Maybe that explains those extra pounds around my waist that just won't go away.... 

I am loving reading other suggestions for shows.  We recently got rid of our cable, minus the basic channels, and are saving a HUGE amount of money.  But we are not looking for some new things to watch!
And full disclosure... we don't have Netflix :)  But we do have Hulu Plus, and Amazon Prime.  Which is almost the same, except... not. 
Any suggestions are welcome!!!

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